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Clothed with the Sun: Depicting God's Grace

Writer's picture: Frida AbaroaFrida Abaroa

Updated: Dec 12, 2024

3NITY Studios™_A scene from the Coming of The Messiah's pilot episode animatic
3NITY Studios_Coming of The Messiah™_Harmony

In the rich tapestry of human longing and spiritual symbolism, few narratives are as foundational as that of Adam and Eve. When we, as a studio, set out to represent these first human beings in our animated series, we wanted to honor their profound significance in a way that went beyond conventional depictions. Rather than clothing them in simple garments or fig leaves, we chose to represent them clothed in light, drawing from the depths of biblical imagery to portray their original state of grace. This decision reflects not only their divine intimacy before the fall but also humanity’s deeper desire for transformation and transcendence, which echoes through history and into our modern lives.

Biblical Foundations for Light as a Garment

Our inspiration for depicting Adam and Eve as clothed in light is rooted in several powerful biblical passages. One of the most evocative images is found in Revelation 12:1, where a “woman, clothed with the sun” appears, her radiance reflecting divine favor and glory. This image, often seen as a symbol of purity and divine protection, provided a compelling way to envision the purity and dignity of Adam and Eve in their pre-fallen state, wrapped in the very light of God’s presence.

3NITY Studios™_A grayscale scene from the Coming of The Messiah's pilot episode animatic
3NITY Studios_Coming of The Messiah™_Adam & Eve Meet

Similarly, we turned to the story of Moses, whose face radiated with light after his encounter with God on Mount Sinai. In Exodus 34:29-35, we see Moses descending from the mountain with his face glowing so brightly that the Israelites could not bear to look at him directly. This radiant transformation was not the result of anything material but was the direct result of encountering the divine. It served as a reminder of how, in moments of pure communion with God, human beings can literally become vessels of His light, reflecting His glory.

The most vivid New Testament example, however, is the Transfiguration of Jesus (Matthew 17:1-2). When Jesus was transfigured on the mountain, His face shone like the sun, and His clothes became as white as light. This radiant transformation was a glimpse into His divine nature, as well as a foreshadowing of the glorified state that awaits humanity in the resurrection. Jesus’ transfiguration gave us a powerful template for depicting what it means to be clothed in divine light, an image of the human body in its ultimate, glorified form.

Light as the True Attire of Grace

The decision to clothe Adam and Eve in light reflects not only their original righteousness but also hints at the ultimate destiny of humanity in their unhindered communion with God. In today's world, people are consumed with the desire for transformation—whether through physical beauty, self-improvement, or even surgical modifications. Beneath this desire lies a deeper, innate longing for transcendence, a yearning for something beyond the limitations of our earthly existence.

This speaks directly to the biblical promise of the resurrected body. The human longing for transformation is, at its core, a reflection of our desire for the ultimate transformation: the transformation of our earthly, perishable bodies into glorified, eternal ones. 1 Corinthians 15:42-44 tells us that in the resurrection, the body that is sown in dishonour will be raised in glory; the natural body will be transformed into a spiritual body, radiating God's grace. In this state, light is not merely a metaphor but the true attire of the soul, reflecting the radiance of God’s glory. No surgical procedure, no vitamin pack, no make up, no luciferase can ever deliver what only God can grant.

3NITY Studios™_A scene from the Coming of The Messiah's pilot episode animatic
3NITY Studios_Coming of The Messiah™_Stag

This idea of being “clothed in light” becomes the most beautiful and fitting image for our depiction of Adam and Eve in their original, sinless state. Before the fall, they were immersed in the divine light, free from the need for physical garments because they were fully wrapped in the glory of God’s presence. This prefigures the promise that, one day, humanity will once again be clothed not in fabric but in the grace and radiance of a resurrected existence, where our very being will shine with the light of God’s love, and all creation shall sing of His glory!

A Timeless Message for Today

In an age where people seek transformation in fleeting, superficial ways, our depiction of Adam and Eve clothed in light is a reminder of our deeper, eternal destiny. It calls viewers to reflect on their own longing for change and to recognize that true transformation is not found in outward appearances, but in the grace that radiates from within when connected with the Triune God. This light, which we portrayed through our animation, is a symbol of divine intimacy, the ultimate attire of those who walk in communion with God.

3NITY Studios™_A scene from the Coming of The Messiah's pilot episode animatic
3NITY Studios_Coming of The Messiah™_Curious Meeting

As our characters, Adam and Eve, stand bathed in this radiant light, they invite audiences to consider the profound truth that we are all, at our core, beings destined for glory. Their luminous portrayal is not merely a reflection of the past but a glimpse into the future—the future of resurrected bodies, clothed in the light of God’s eternal love, which far surpasses any earthly garment. In this way, our representation becomes a visual hymn to the transformation and transcendence that every human heart longs for, pointing to the day when we will all be clothed in the sun, basking in the light of His presence.

Come & See!

3NITY Studios™_cover for the Pilot Episode of our upcoming 3D animated series Coming of The Messiah™
3NITy Studios_Coming of The Messiah™_Come and See

By: Frida Abaroa Founder of 3NITY Studios © 2023 3NITY Creative Corp. All Rights Reserved.

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