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As a global Catholic entertainment studio based in Ottawa, Canada, we are committed to producing inspiring content imbued with solid Christian values. We are focused on reaching families who long for uplifting, wholesome, and trustworthy entertainment which confirms people’s faith and knowledge of Jesus Christ. 


We are unapologetically Catholic, which means we create content centered around the Divine, prioritizing the inclusion of God in our narratives. Our commitment is deliberate; we refuse to compromise by crafting stories that, although positive and uplifting, shy away from acknowledging God as the principal author of all good, out of a fear of appearing “religious”. We firmly assert that narratives promoting self-improvement without explicitly recognizing the significance of God in our journey are inherently misleading, regardless of their charm. 


“May Jesus be the ‘cornerstone’ of your lives and of the new civilization that you must build in generous and shared solidarity. There can be no authentic human growth in peace and justice, in truth and freedom, if Christ does not make himself present with His saving power” ~St. John Paul II, The Great


Worse still is the concerning trajectory that media and entertainment have taken, where sinister themes are increasingly prevalent, veering towards cynicism. Characters embodying Satan, witches, warlocks, and demons are portrayed as allies and benefactors, blurring the lines between truth and lies, between what is  real and what is  counterfeit.


As a response to this darkness, we seek to provide entertainment founded on three transcendental Christian qualities: the true, the good and the beautiful. The goal is to offer families powerful, faith-filled, inspiring media that they can trust, and to show the power behind the Biblical stories in a way that is unique. We adhere to a process of prayerful discernment in all our conceptual and production stages, and we are guided by a group of advisors in different fields, such as theology, history, philosophy, psychology and creative processes.


What distinguishes our studio is our Catholic ethos, dedication to quality, and our distinctive animation styles. While many animation studios, like Disney, Marvel, and Pixar, are recognized for their signature designs, 3NITY Studios aims to create a unique style for each project, maintaining a consistent commitment to excellence, but creating a brand for each project.

The Team


Frida Abaroa

Founder & CEO

 What moved me to start this studio was a long conviction regarding the impact that film and animation have on people. We can see the negative way in which the secular world continues to dive into darker themes, and it has gone unchallenged for too long. Therefore, I took a bold step in faith, answering what feels like a calling from God, to produce quality entertainment that redirects people to Him.


I boast on one thing alone: God qualifies the called. It is Him  who has provided me with the vision for our projects as He connected the dots between my previous academic studies, work, and life experiences. It is Him also who has aided me to gather the team that is working on our projects.


I want to provide parents, who are as concerned as I am, with trustworthy media that will not only entertain but build up their children's  knowledge and understanding of God. This is out of a sincere desire to share the beauty I encountered in a relationship with Jesus, which changed my life completely. I would like others, especially the younger generations, to experience this love that comes out of closeness to Him.

Julio Gonzales Arce

Co-Founder & CPO

I’ve collaborated with some of the most important national and international studios on films, series, and cinematics for games, as well as on commercials for recognized product brands.

With over 14 years of experience in audiovisual creation. I am committed to bringing viewers high-quality series and amazing stories faithful to the biblical narratives that can influence new generations and reawaken the faith.


All our hard work is offered to God to continue building His kingdom. He has been guiding us through prayer, discernment, and the advice of our theological board. I am so excited to show you what we are producing for you!


Ethan Pierce

Co-Founder & CCO

I am so excited to be part of this team because imagination has impacted my faith so significantly. I think that to visualize for others the beauty of God in the way that it’s been shown to me is the greatest way I can serve the world and help people to develop and strengthen their faith.


The other side of this is that I find it incredibly sad when misinterpretations of who God is leads people to leave the Church or to stay while believing something about God that isn’t true. Through the media we’re creating, I have a feeling of relief that we are showing God Himself expressing His goodness visually through the Catholic lens⸺especially in all those moments that we find so conflicting in the Bible.


Working on this project has continuously expanded my conception of  God and His influence in my life. I want everyone to experience an even greater relationship with God.

John Pacheco

Co-Founder & CFO

I’m  a B. Comm, C.P.A., a former director of finance and vice president (2012-2022) of a nationally recognized real estate developer, and I’ve been a Catholic activist for over 35 years.  


I operate Bridge Accounting & Advisory Services, an accounting and advisory practice I founded in honor of Our Lady of the Cape and the miracle ice bridge. Through my practice, I serve small businesses and Christian charities.  


I’m privileged to serve as a trustee for several charities and not-for-profit organizations, including my role as a director of the Consortium of Independent Ontario Catholic Schools. I’m also a trustee of the Marian Devotional Movement, which produced "Bridge of Roses: The Story of Our Lady of the Cape".  


Above all, I’m blessed to be married to Lara and to be the father of our four homeschooled daughters.



Our vision is to be the leading evangelists in the entertainment and animation industry by offering high-quality productions which combine creative excellence with a commitment to biblical principles, honouring both God and humanity's relationship with Him.


To fulfill this vision, 3NITY strives to incorporate prayer, joy, and charity as the foundation of our work, which will sustain our corporate and social missions. We will follow the examples of St. Paul, St. Francesca Cabrini, St. Philip Neri, and St. Anthony of Padua, who, through their labour, helped relieve the pressing hardships of the needy and most vulnerable of their times.


It is our prayer, and hope, that the work of our hands will inspire Catholics and people of goodwill around the world to join us in bringing forth the fruits of faith and hope, which will lead to  brighter opportunities for children and young adults in need.



Entertainment That Edifies™ 

Our mission is to offer families powerful, trustworthy, first-class Catholic entertainment, and to direct the fruits of this work to support bold initiatives which advance authentic Catholic education.


1. Corporate Mission: Inspiring Media Evangelization


Our corporate mission is to protect and inspire the minds of God’s children through digital animation and entertainment.


3NITY is dedicated to the creation and development of high-quality content that reflects Christian principles and solid Catholic teachings by employing some of the top international Catholic and denominational Christian illustrators, artists, musicians, and artisans. Our company provides a tangible avenue for Christian artists to utilize their God-given talents in advancing the Gospel message in the entertainment industry and to drive back the evil and ugliness which currently pervades the culture.


Through our animation ventures and other products, we seek to transmit Gospel values, which  strengthen the faith of our audience and generate a transformative shift in popular culture towards the beauty and truths of the Catholic Faith. 


2. Social Mission: Advancing an Economy of Communion


From the revenue generated from its animation initiatives, 3NITY seeks to deploy  funds to sustain and grow its media evangelization objectives and to finance its educational charitable ventures.


1. Seed Investment For Catholic Media Projects: The majority of the earnings shall be reinvested into creating more Catholic media content in fulfillment of the venture’s principal charitable goal which is to evangelize and teach the Catholic faith.

2. Educational Program for Underprivileged Children: A portion of the earnings shall be directed to a private charitable foundation dedicated to assisting underprivileged children and young adults in their educational development.

3. Funding for private Catholic Schools: A portion of the earnings shall also be directed to the funding of private Catholic education.



Co-Founder & Art Lead

Although I've always loved traditional art, what really fascinates me is digital art. I've learned everything I know by exploring on my own: researching, practicing and constantly learning.


Besides technique, what I love most about art is storytelling. I am a big fan of stories and always look for each of my drawings to have its own narrative.


My education has also been forged thanks to the FASTA movement, with values that have shaped me as a person, as an artist and as a Catholic in my love for  God, His Church and my country, Argentina.


I feel very proud to be part of this amazing animation studio. I am excited to have the opportunity to collaborate in creating productions that can witness to our faith and create a great apostolate, reaching out through art to everyone.


I can't wait to show you what God has been inspiring us to do as part of this great work!



We solemnly believe and uphold that all divine revelation was revealed in the person of Jesus Christ, the Way, the Truth, the Life.


We care about guarding the value of each person’s inner and outer beauty, protecting and respecting the dignity owed to a child of God.


We are diligent in developing our content to offer trustworthy, high-quality products which reflect our Christian aim to perfection.


We believe in standing up for what is right, whatever repercussions we may face.


We adhere to strong ethical principles in our business operations.


We constantly seek new ways to offer products that serve our mission while respecting the high standards of quality.


We are sensitive to the concerning trajectory that media and entertainment have taken, where sinister themes are increasingly prevalent. While it's easy to acknowledge these issues, talk, as they say, is cheap.  Remaining inactive is at the cost of children’s innocence.  We've therefore chosen to take decisive action. For many, the enormity of this challenge may seem insurmountable, but my husband and I have offered God our two fishes and five loaves of bread; we begun by putting our money and the sweat of our brow where our mouth is.

We recognize that more souls are being lost today in the battleground of entertainment than in any other battlefield. This stark reality has ignited a fervent desire within us to engage in a counter-revolution to reclaim souls for God. Additionally, we've been deeply troubled by the declining presence of youth in churches and the inadequate catechesis that fails to equip them as resilient Christians, unafraid to uphold righteousness at any cost. This need within the Christian family made us eager to reimagine catechesis by using engaging entertainment. 

We believe in the inseparable unity of Truth and Love. As Cardinal Burke has written, “We cannot truly love another person while also disregarding or betraying the Truth which should inform every relationship. The fundamental approach to the crisis of the family, of society, and of the Church is the knowledge of Truth and the practice of it with love.”


If you share our concerns about the state of entertainment, we invite you to join forces with us. Together, we possess the power to effect change and redirect the course of entertainment. Let us unite in our mission to re-center the arts in Christ, who enriches and elevates the soul. May our Lord Jesus Christ infuse His Holy Spirit in the work we do so that through it He may inspire all who "come and see".

Frida Abaroa
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